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Материал из Montelibero


Sondre Bjellås, sondreb, also known as SondreB, is a co-founder of Liberstad, a free city in Norway.

Candidate for the Association Council with an address for the delegation GDMBM7P2ZVD64DSMQJIR67CZFWU7EQRI4YMRLZ2XOYT3V7YUBGZ4RXHF


Born in 1981, software developer and Voluntaryist. Founded Liberstad in 2016 and started developing the land in 2017. Is a Free Cities Ambassador (Free Cities Foundation) and wants to help connect free cities globally into a more unified collaboration and community building. Have visited Montelibero multiple times and had communications with its members since 2021.

MTLA Program

As a Voluntaryist, I cherish freedom and independence wherever and whenever possible. Contributing to the MTLA is a way for me to engage with the Montelibero movement and help build bridges.

More information

More information and contact information for Sondre is available on his personal website.