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Материал из Montelibero

Denys Yuzhakov,

Brighton, UK Business Owner, Investor

Nickname: Azovhorizon

Running Azovhorizon Ltd company in the UK

Company number 15190489


I`m running a Property Agency in the UK and Investment Consulting business in Estonia

https://partnergroupnetwork.uk https://lingvo24.net

Periodically we are proposing out own products to invest in ou our Youtube channel "Liberland Railways Corporate": https://www.youtube.com/@LiberlandRailwaysB2B

My LinkedIn page is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denys-yuzhakov-6a25b94a

For today (Oct 2024) we have the following proposals for Montelibero society:

1. UK Property deals. Cambridge sublet deal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dryvw1027Sk

Please download our brochure: https://gamma.app/docs/Partner-Group-Network-Lingvo24-ierglysroae26qp

One project is already working in Montelibero tocenomics. Token RENTRINGFORT has been issued in September 2024

2. Pet Food JV with funds looking for the Partner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IVUQ6WjhSA

Please download our brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18_MGp_mU8rgSz8SsI1Ls5hwzyOGi3Y5V/view?usp=sharing