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From Montelibero

The Montelibero movement has chosen the blockchain Stellar as the vehicle for our tokenomics.

Reasons for the choice

Not Bitcoin, because it is slow, expensive, and difficult to use smart contracts.[1]

Not Ethereum because it's expensive.

Stellar, on the other hand, combines a developed infrastructure, many tools for users and developers, and cheap transactions.

The latter is especially important for us, since we use EURMTL tokens for micro-transactions, like chipping in for a snack in a coffee shop, and it’s a shame to transfer 2 € and a commission of 10 €.


There are many wallets for Stellar, you can see the options at official website. Many of us have chosen Lobstr.

Important Basics

The Stellar blockchain has a "native" currency - lumens, XLM. In order for the wallet to be considered activated, it is important to ensure that there are at least a few lumens, but more than 0. You can buy XLM in many wallets and on different exchanges. And it’s easy to exchange them for other tokens using the built-in P2P trading tool in Stellar.

The public address of your wallet, which is used to receive payments, is conditionally secret, because. everyone who has it can see the rest of your balances and all the transactions that you made. It shouldn't be written in the public sphere.


In Stellar, there is usually one address per person. It looks something like this: `GDU4SW4GJU3SGEIJBE752Q3OTYWOW7UPBAXJWFCGUALBWWF74Y4CNONA`. 56 characters starting with "G". Often the address is shown in abbreviated form: the first 4 characters and the last 4: `GDU4...NONA`. On the one hand, this performance is quickly memorized. On the other hand, there are services that allow you to generate a memorable address right away. Here, https://www.lumenaddr.com/ - it will pick up the last 3 characters in a minute and spend up to two hours to select 4 characters. This makes the Club address look recognizable: `GAPQ...CLUB`.

Also in Stellar there is the concept of federalization, in which addresses can have an alternative representation in a human-readable format. For example `lumer*lobstr.co`. Such an address can be written in the Recipient field, and the wallet, when creating a transaction, will replace it with the full stellar address.


  1. An initiative group of Bitcoin maximalists is working to realize the goals of our tokenomics based on the Bitcoin blockchain.