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Montelibero wallet features

From Montelibero

The wallet contains different tokens such as

-EURMTL- This is the pegged coin of Euro which is integrated by the Montelibero project managers such as Anthon -, Victor and other personals. to find out more on this, please visit this telegram channel. The value of EURMTL is approximately 1 USD. the coin is used to stabilize the prise of Euro which is used the European Union currently

MTL- This is the token which aimed to be like other stablecoins in terms of it's popularity around the world. the value of 1 USD IS ABOUT 0.33 MTL which implies the siginficant value of the token . again it is administered by the project's officials.

SATSMTL -This is the satoshi version/ small portion coins of the MTL

USDC - The wallet also supports this stable coin which is the pegged USD. as wel all know, USDC is a tokenized U.S. dollar, with the value of one USDC coin pegged as close to the value of one U.S. dollar as it can get. The value of USDC is designed to remain stable, making USDC a stablecoin. Stablecoins are commonly backed by reserve assets like dollars or euros to achieve price stability.

Other than these features, the wallet also used personal tokens in which people all over the places can create their own personal coins to make it popular.

Contact of the Wallet