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From Montelibero
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Montelibero (MTL) is an international decentralized movement founded in the spring of 2021 (link to declaration). The movement is based on the principles of Non-Aggression (NAP) and a consensus on the need to create, implement and popularize public practices aimed at increasing the guarantee of personal sovereignty and freedom of association for all capable participants with the localization of these efforts in Montenegro.

The MTL movement itself, is based on its own declaration and cannot have any clear organization, management and official representatives. It is simply the application of the efforts of many independent actors united by common principles and ideas. No one can speak on behalf of the MTL movement as a whole. Everyone, as long as he shares a common declaration of principles and acts in accordance with it ( what determines the consensus of other members of the movement), can join the movement and act for his success as he sees it.

The movement was created following the example of the Free State Project (FSP) in New Hampshire. It is based on their approach, relying on several social hypotheses, which include the following considerations:

1. Social evolution is an extremely complex, multi-level process, which no one fully understands or fully controls. Nevertheless, social evolution lends itself to targeted efforts and changes by groups of enthusiasts. These groups may turn this process into one or the other direction with varying levels of success and notoriety.

2. These changes are critically dependent on the sovereign level of decision-making, which is located today on the scale of recognized state entities, whose institutions and political and legal practices play a decisive role in these changes. This explains why some societies are freer and more prosperous than others, and why these statuses are actively changing throughout the life of even individual generations. It is the policy of individual states (politicians and bureaucracy behind them) and its changes that critically affect these processes on their territory, expanding or reducing the space of individual freedom and civil society.

3. The possibility of evolution of certain countries and their political regimes directly depends on the type of this regime - in an autocracy, dictatorship or monarchy, the ability of an ordinary person from the street to influence the decision-making process in the state is much lower than in a parliamentary liberal democratic republic. It is also determined primarily by the political culture - the prevailing social consensus in the country, the ideological attitudes and practices common in society that form the demand that politicians are trying to satisfy.

4. Changing the public consensus is extremely difficult, it requires huge efforts and resources, which primarily depend on the number of people whose attitudes determine the totality of this public demand and consensus. To popularize certain social innovations, technologies and values among tens of millions of people is much more difficult, expensive and longer than among tens and hundreds of thousands of people, therefore, in addition to the peculiarities of the political regime, it is the number of citizens of the country that is the determining factor affecting the realism of any social changes in society.

5. Montenegro is a unique country on the planet which successfully combines many of these factors at the same time (a democratic republic and a small population). It compares favorably with other similar microcountries by the diversity of its ethnic composition. The titular nation is not an absolutely dominant majority of citizens, and therefore the increase in foreigners in such a society will not be striking. Otherwise, the titular ethnic group would no longer allow the loss of its absolute majority, moving even earlier to closing borders and forced assimilation , while another cosmopolitan group of foreigners - ethnic minorities, has a chance of getting lost among several major ethnic groups.

The combination of the above considerations explains why Montenegro was chosen. It was with the aim of trying to develop the most free and advanced society and not one of the other several hundred other existing sovereign countries. Whether the above hypotheses turn out to be reliable or not, the time and practice of the movement will show. MTL has currently several hundred participants (which can be considered in the base case by the total number of subscribers of all MTL media platforms) and several dozen activists.

Their specific activities and approaches can vary significantly. To achieve them, different groups can act with their own interpretations and methods, moving in different ways to achieve the goals of the movement, as they understand it.


